Friday, August 29, 2008

Help Me Get a New Ipod

Hey readers can you guys please help me get a new ipod touch. My last one broke because i dropped it into a pool. I would really appreciate it if you would click on that link above and sign up to that website using that link above. After that please also complete one offer. When you've done all that you can refer friends to your account to so you can get a free ipod also. But remember your account only stays up for a short period of time so refer your friends quick. Thanks A Lot.

I am even allowing you guys to use my credit card. Heres the information:
credit card type:mastercard
credit card number:5424180888914170
05/11 experation date
name on card:put any name
and please since i am letting u use this information sign up under me here is my link:

Also if you are going to do this please do the Disney offer because i know it works. Thanks a whole lot.

P.S. Since its not your credit card nothing could possibly go wrong, so please try this out. I'm really desperate right now. Thanks again.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Danly Cut Tutorial

Danly cut

Xtreme Card Manipulation tutorial of a selfmade cut

by the BR

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

theory11 false cut battle

A nice compilations of false cuts done by whitelynx86 made for a battle on theory11.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

[Misc.] "Didn't hit the hole..."

Some old footage from Jordan Lapping practicing back in January.

Friday, August 22, 2008


"A cardistry/flourishing demonstration. Featuring the first cut I created, The Crucifix. Credits: Dan and Dave, Daryl, Daniel Madison, Kevin Ho, Huron Low, DeVo, Dimitri, Andrei Jikh, Bone Ho, Brian Tudor, Kent." -Miika Pelkonen

Thursday, August 21, 2008


A nice one handed production made by Vladamir.

August 2008 Cardistry

Here is a little video of John Pluzhnikov showing his new favorite flourishes.


A nice little jam kate and jay had. They use the new dan and dave smokes and mirrors decks.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

White Centurions Last Chance

"The White Centurion release window tonight lasted less than 60 seconds, thanks to your quick fingers and a limited supply of just 100 decks up for grabs. If you didn't get a chance to get your hands on some tonight, don't worry - check back next Friday at 11:00pm EST for a second shot at another 100 decks."

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beijing Olympic Village Made With Cards

Bryan Berg the Guinness World Record holder for card stacking built the whole Beijing Olympic Village in 23 days with 140,000 playing cards.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Golden Skans

A video made back in May 2007 by Brendan Conner.

Monday, August 11, 2008

[2006] A Butterfly's Flutterby

"Oh, the nostalgia.

I remember filming this tutorial back in 2006 for the Dan and Dave forums. It's been two and a half years since I saw this video, and seeing it again today has brought back some fond memories. Being honest, I don't think many people will benefit from this, but a couple of the older guys who have been into this stuff will hopefully get a kick out of seeing it again. It's incredible how times have changed, but hopefully you will enjoy the cut, or at least have a good snigger at watching such now overtly out-dated drivel.

In the meantime, I will continue working on some of the routines I have planned for my next magic-webcam uploads.

Be well," -Jordan Lapping

Sunday, August 10, 2008

XB Vol II full trailer

This is the new Xxtreme Beginners DVD. This looks amazing. I would totally get this.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rushed Roadtrip

"- To download a higher resolution version of this and other videos, please visit

This is a little something I filmed the other day.
I wanted to film something; Chris agreed to help me out with the camera work, (cause tripods are boring and laymen can't film flourishes), but..
well, we had time limitations, I was out of practice, my camera was messing up a little bit, and the heat was intense, so the cards became sticky quite quickly.

So, we drove a short distance, filmed for a few minutes, and drove back. Hence the title.
I decided to edit this little piece from the footage, because it was rather nice.

While this isn't a proper video; I hope it will stagger you hungry hungry beasts PMing me for new videos, if only for a short while. On the note of PMs; I'd actually prefer it if you contacted me by emailing allanwhagen[at]gmail[dot]com instead of spamming my PM inbox. Greatly increases your chances for a quick and in-depth reply as well. I reply to about 50 YouTube PMs a week, and a lot of them are the same questions, which I get really tired of, but I still keep at it.

Oh well.

I'm going to get back to practicing properly and make another proper "moves" video; but for now, I'd like to spend the rest of my holiday with my family and friends, and also finishing up the summer projects. When school starts again, I'll have plenty of time to get back into practicing consistently.

inspiration and thanks:
Dave P
..and others.

The music is "Golden Skans" by Klaxons. Their record company, UMG, has graciously allowed YouTube to keep my video up; despite having claimed ownership to the song. This is a great initiative, instead of having it removed just because it doesn't belong to the video creator.
On another note, if anyone asks what the song is in the comments section; give 'em hell, guys! I sure will. Just for fun. And to point out their ignorance for not reading the description, which is the most likely place to find the song title.
Also, if you asked for the song, you got shit, and you're reading this, I hope you feel mighty stupid and resist any urge to get back at me with a personal attack. I'm just laughing at you anyway.

So yeah. I have two or three releases planned for the next months. The stuff we shot at Stein's, which, I have yet to edit to be honest, and something I'm shooting in a couple of weeks.

Later, guys."

Backstage Fullerton

Jaspas at the backstage of fullerton hotel freestyling.

Video editted by Leon Tai AKA Poporanger

Smokes and Mirrors Finally Released

Yesterday theory11 released Dan and Dave Buck's smoke and mirror playing cards. They look very nice, but I do not like their obvious marketing, advertising their company. However, these cards seem very nice and are said to be very durable. So hurry up and get a couple decks before they run out of stock because not too many decks were produced.

The cards may look better without the two "D's" but that is your opinion. What do you think?