"Late last night, we posted a first glimpse of the Smoke & Mirrors Playing Cards - designed by Si Scott (United Kingdom) and created by Dan andDave Buck in association with theory11.
D&D worked tirelessly on the design for months, with the goal being fabrication of a deck that is refined yet distinct, modern yet elegant, and most of all - unique.
The deck will be available upon release exclusively at theory11, as well as Dan and Dave's personal website. Coming soon - stay tuned over the coming weeks for additional details..." -Theory11
"You guys have seen those vids which have ridiculously short clips connected with no transisiton what-so-ever, but never me doing it, so this is your opportunity!" -Jaspas
Even though Jaspas usually doesn't make videos like these, this video i still liked a lot.
"This is my favorite creation: Rev3. It's inspired by Dan and Dave's TCTCSA cut explained in the "Dan and Dave System" but it's quicker and flashy, perfect to add in combos or routines." -Marco
The Dan and Dave Buck's website is temporarily down and will be up and running in a new website again on July 1st when Surfaced is being released. So sit tight and start saving up so you can buy whats probably going to be a very good and fast selling DVD.
"Our passion is magic and our goal is to advance the art by bringing new ideas. We love teaching others that are genuinely interested, and through dananddave.com, we strive to do just that. Join us on July 1st for the launch of our brand new website, the ultimate online experience for flourishers and magicians and a new beginning for dananddave.com." -Dan and Dave Buck
Long time no see... This video is OLD, almost 2 years actually. Just remembered it today, and dug it up. It was up on decknique, and now I decided to post it here. Also, this video was featured on the website of the biggest newspaper here in Norway =D
Credits: DnD, Scott and Sean, Daryl Ho, Richard, Daren, Ashford Kneitel, Kevin Ho, Lasse Jacobsen.
Also, I see a lot of original cuts in here that I have forgotten ^^
"The theory of cardistry. Don't get it? Watch the video. I'd like to thank the viewers, and keep them subs coming ^^ :) :P Special Thanks to: ALLAN HAGEN Dan and Dave Buck Daniel Madison Jordan Lapping Tashfiq Alam (tashfiq1993) Jonas Jaspas Sadat (TxXAnimeXxT)" -MazDmanipulater
I'm lost for words with the response to this post, some of the entries were amazing and some quite funny, at the moment I have decided to post all the best entries here until I decide on my top 10 - which will be a very hard task. Thank you to all and best of luck with the competition - the winners price has grown a little over the past month, more news to be posted soon
Original post:
Daniel has now decided to make a collection of the best attempts right here at his website and rank them from 1 to 10.
If you can CHANGE as good as Madison, you'll be posted on the chart, whoever hits number 1 in the chart will receive a secret package from d+M. Anybody who can last in the charts until 08:08:08 will feature on an underground d+M DVD currently in pre production
All entries will be viewed and judged by myself and d+M Himself and posted in the order of which we choose, so although you may make the list, others may come along to knock you off so make your entries count...
R3man + d+M
PS: There are no rules, if it looks like CHANGE then it's good enough
"Here a tutorial for one of my ace prodcutions. I did an audio tutorial this time to see if ya'll like that better.
This ace production is very different in sytle than my other ace productions. I usually enjoy visual productions but this one is more to the magical side. Anyway, I hope ya'll enjoy." -SpadeFlame
"If you haven't watched the first one, and you watch this, and you're all lost, and you find it stupid and pointless, don't bother commenting. Non-constructive feedback (that is, negative comments without reasoning) will be deleted. seriously.
Also refrain from revealing plot devices in comments.
It was made over a timespan of 22 hours, but all in all, I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Questions are directed to comments and/or PMs.
The videos for the yourstyle competition on themagicreview have been uploaded and are ready to be voted for. Go to the website and check them out. Many of the videos are excellent.
Dangerous is a two volume DVD set. Volume I is entitled Mystique (magic); Volume II is entitled Motion (flourishing). Each disc is over 75 minutes in length, jam packed with material. The Dangerous shoot was one of the largest undertakings we have set out on since launch, and we are extremely satisfied with the end result. This is a project that represents the definitive work of d+M, and it was our goal in production to make sure that the instruction of both the magic and flourishing content was unparalleled and true to d+M's trademark style.
"This is really something to build upon...meaning do not limit yourself to what I explained... use it as you feel fits better your style of performance and have fun with it :)" -BaByCatXD
On Thursday, June 12, 2008 buy the famous bicycle blue masters from ellusionist for half the price! Such a nice bargain...you guys should stock up on them, because now you can get double of what you were planning on buying. This special overstock offer is from Midnight to Midnight EST.
"I was looking through the media section on this site and i came across the forum video that members of this forum has put together to show the community some of the skills members of this forum had. Now i belive i was'nt around when this was filmed and i was thinking maybe it was time to get the members together to make a 2008 video.
Now what we need are all you guys to be up for it, so this first post is to see who will be up for filming some chops for the video. Also if anyone with experience would be up for editing the video and so forth could stand up and be counted that would be great to.
I intend first to see what the popularity of this idea will be then we can discuss the style and what-not once we have the people involved.
I would like to think all you guys can in some way be willing to help out with this video.
Video Requirements (See allans post below) At this time i would like to say a huge thanks to Allan for taking on the challenge of editing this video.
Post below if you wish to participate or have any questions or problems.
Thanks." -Djmckee
"I already know I'm going to asked to be edit. Yes, I'll do it, on the following terms:
a) that the footage meets certain requirements of mine. No, I don't ask you to shoot in HD on a $6000 rig, but formats and the likes, to make the workflow as easy as possible.
b) That I don't have a very short deadline, because summer is pretty damn busy for me, and I'll only edit when I have the time to do so. Also, I won't start before I have all of the contributing submissions in, so yeah.
We obviously need to discuss certain elements, consistency for once - the shots need to look fairly similar in style, in terms of background, lighting etc. More tech specs to come - I could share whatever I've got of film production knowledge. If we're going to do this, we'll either do it half-arsed, or we'll really do it" -Allan Hagen
"Tools, Inventions and Applications for the Modern Card Magician.
Introducing the card magic and flourishes of Kevin Ho, Smooth Operations is a 60 page book explaining an array of new material for both the curious student and seasoned pro. Over a hundred photo illustrations in full color provides an enjoyable learning experience.
Kevin is a rising young Singapore-based magician with some serious talent. As a flourisher, he's already earned a reputation as one of the best. His style is fresh, ultra smooth, and extremely visual. And his magic is no different. Learn 5 effects, 4 sleights, 3 productions and 2 flourishes in 1 kick ass manual on card magic. Step into a world of visual madness and experience the unexpected." -Dananddave.com
If you look closely into that picture you can see something about the 13th and it says "On Friday the 13th something DANGEROUS this way comes." So on Friday the 13th Dangerous will be released.